Google Drone Delivery System Project Wing Is Ready

After nearly two years of development in Google’s secret lab, Project Wing is finally ready. Google drone delivery system had been in talks for quite a long time now. These flying machines, Google claim is nothing like an ordinary drone that we see. Google has tweaked and twisted the mechanism of their drones. These drones can now fly without remote control. This is a great achievement on the part of Google.

Google had been working on their Project Wing for the past two years. However it had been a very hush-hush project. The project was conducted by Google’s X division; the department responsible for engineering Google’s most sophisticated and complicated machines. Google drone delivery system has been unveiled mainly for the Atlantic.

Also Read: Drone Delivery In India Starts With Pizza Served On Time

Google is not the only company interested in drone services. Amazon had been testing their drones’ capability of delivering goods. Facebook too has bought a not–so–renowned drone manufacturing company. Both Google and Facebook seek to resolve the same problem. They intend to place these drones at inaccessible locations to make Internet radio signals available at these places.

Emergency Google Drone Delivery System

Google though has some other more noble ideas for its drones. Google Drone delivery system intends to be serving entirely for a good cause. It has experimented with the idea of delivering relief goods to disaster struck areas. This Google thinks can be a real breakthrough.

In an experiment conducted by Google, it had loaded some relief food items into the drone as it flew to a distant area where these items were lowered by a chord attached to the drone. Google said that the experiment was quite a success and Google Drone delivery system can be used for real life situations as well. Google conducted these experiments at a farmland in Australia where drone regulations are more lax.

Google also said that the drone delivery system will be quite useful as online shopping has ascended like never before. However, it stressed the use of Google drone delivery system more on the remote areas and for emergency situations. According to Google “Self-flying vehicles could open up entirely new approaches to moving things around — including options that are faster, cheaper, less wasteful, and more environmentally sensitive than the way we do things today,”

Still Google drone delivery system is not something that will be seen in immediately. There have aroused some legal and privacy issues that need to be resolved first. However, with a noble cause in mind, Google can expect to see its drones flying high in the sky soon enough.

Drone Delivery In India Starts With Pizza Served On Time

Francesco Pizzeria, a little known Mumbai based pizza outlet, has successfully completed a test pizza delivery using a drone, avoiding the busy traffic of the city. Even though the distance was only 3kms, this drone delivery in India on an aerial route is the first of its kind.

The Actual Story:

The GPS enabled, remote controlled drone took off from the Lower Parel area outlet, flying at a speed of 30km/hour over the mill district of the city finally reaching its destination in about 10 minutes. It dropped the 13 inch, half kilo margherita pizza on the rooftop of the 21 story building in Worli. The so called customer, who in fact was a friend of the CEO of the chain received the package from there. The speed at which the delivery was done therefore beat the previous pizza delivery records of most leading pizza chains that estimate 30 minutes for manual pizza delivery.

Also Read: A Few Devices You May Own In 2015 As Early Tech Adopter

Commercial delivery using drones is something that is not allowed in India. But since the customer was a friend it cannot be technically denoted to be a sale. In the words of the CEO of Pizzeria, Mikhel Rajani, “We successfully carried out a test-delivery by sending a pizza to a customer located 1.5 km away from our outlet on May 11.” They have also filmed this first drone delivery in India and released in on YouTube. The above 92K views on the video is a clear indication of the excitement that people are in regarding this whole thing. The cost of such drones could be somewhere around $2,000 according to the CEO of the outlet. He also added, “What we have done now will be common place in the next four-five year.”+


Restrictions On The Way:

This test drone delivery in India could well turn into a reality in times to come. However there are certain restrictions that could come in the way of making this possibility into a reality. Let’s take a look at them:

The first and foremost is that drones are not allowed to fly above an altitude of 400ft.

The fact that drones are prevented from flying above security establishments could also be a limiting factor in implementing the idea of drones.

Technical difficulties of drones include limited range of operation after which its batteries get discharged.

The payload capacity of drones is also less since the maximum weight that can be carried is limited to only 8 kgs, that too in the case of eight rotor drones.

It was Amazon that made the concept of drones popular. They were the first to talk about doing deliveries with the help of drones. Now we have this successful pizza delivery experiment in Mumbai. With the technology advancing rapidly we could, in not very long span of time, see our skies filled with drones moving from here and there delivering products.

Few Devices You May Own In 2015 As Early Tech Adopter

The thing about technology is that it manages to influence the way we live and think every day. If you watch anyone that doesn’t have an immediate task that requires their attention, you’ll notice that more often than not they end up pulling their phone out in order to browse through the next insignificant post. Used to being bombarded with information every second of every waking moment, we’re sent spiraling into a withdrawal-like state if there is nothing left to catch our attention. You may own only a smartphone now, however the devices you may own in 2015 or 2016 could be radically different if you are an early tech adopter.

But it isn’t just our minds that technology has an iron grip over. The way our homes and even we ourselves look is defined by the most happening trends. Take a look around your room right now and you’ll probably notice that the place would look quite empty if not for the many gadgets that lie littered all over the place. Deciding what to wear next week? The color of your phone case and laptop probably has a say in that as well. In the coming year’s technology is going to have an even bigger say in the way that we and our homes appear. So here’s a look at some of the cutting edge devices you may own in 2015.

A 3D Printed Something

There is no doubt that the 3D printing phenomenon is going to have a strong say over our lives in the near future. What started off as a niche market with just a few early adopters and innovators showing their support on sites such as Kickstarter will surely go on to become a technology that produces some of the most ubiquitous objects associated with everyday living.

The potential of 3D printing is exhibited in the fact that it has been used to manufacture everything from prosthetic limbs to customized action figures of people. The first approved food printer was even used to make different shapes out of sugar, though it turns out it didn’t taste very good after. So the first thing that may make its way into your home in 2015 is a 3D printed something.

Wearable Devices

The first one that springs to your mind is probably Google Glass. Google’s attempt at making glasses that will become the lens through which people sense the world revolutionized the way we thought about technology itself. We were well aware that gadgets and gizmos were going to take over someday, but didn’t think it would be so subtly as to just sit right in front of our eyes.

Though it may seem futuristic, wearable technology of all kinds is already on the market. FitBit is famous for its ability to keep a track of how you spend your day, in terms of hours slept, calories burned etc. Up by Jawbone is a similar device. The wardrobe-worthy gizmo that’s most likely to enter our lives in 2015 is likely to be a mobile-interfaced watch, something along the lines of Samsung Galaxy Gear.


You may think it isn’t really likely you’re going to own a drone soon. But isn’t as far-fetched as you may think it is. It depends on how you define a drone really. They’re already out there in their primitive forms and even being available to individuals. For about $300 you can purchase a drone built-in with Wi-Fi connectivity and housing a HD camera. Amazon and Facebook have already shown interest in developing drones to do things like deliver shipments quickly. So even if you don’t own one soon, be prepared to meet a drone in 2015.