Social Networking for Teenagers: The Bright Side

So are you also the one among those parents who are always behind their kids for they are too much active on the social networking sites and this very plight troubles you? Are you also the one who thinks that the kids of today’s generation are lagging behind socially and they won’t be able to relate face to face in real world?

Not exactly!

Undoubtedly, you may find fair number of teenagers’ texting somewhere around 100 to 250 times per day! Shocking? Well yes, the life of the kids and especially of teenagers is more of a digital and the same is been targeted and precisely serves as the topic of weeklies and dailies!

But is the subject worth a worry? If there are so crazy texters, there also are teenagers who are devotees of Instagram and SnapChat. Instagram allows you to share pictures with friends and most of the pictures teenagers share around are with their friends partying and enjoying. SnapChat allows you to share the pictures for certain time duration and then the photo gets deleted from the servers automatically!

The introduction of new technologies and or inventions is always a subject of panic for adults. The scenario is more in relationship with the fears of adults rather than with the teenager lives. The situation is same as it was sometime in 1930s. The introduction of radio revolutionized the lives of people on one hand and on the other it chilled the spine of parents at that time. There did exist the time when parents started feeling that radio is occupying more part of their child’s life and this hold is totally dangerous. Not only this, the same happened when Sony’s Walkman came into existence in 80s and it was believed that the rhythms might interfere with the sexual life of people! But the digital activity is positive and as nothing happened that time, it would be nothing this time too!

Further, to clear your dilemma, let us inform you something! There are a large number of scientists who performed a study over large number of teenagers found that social networking may be beneficial for your kids! Here’s what they said!

There are various scientists who put it forward that you simply can’t conclude this out that a rapid texter cannot be a good face to face communicator or social in real world! Influencing education and social lives more than ever, scientists are in the view that one form of social networking cannot actually replace the other. If a kid is involved socially with the help of digital devices, it cannot be deduced that he won’t spend time with friends and family in real!

Kids are same social when they spend time together in real time and further, as they grow up, their interest for social networking sites or apps also starts fading and becomes negligible with aging age. This is a natural phenomenon and will continue to happen!

There are parents that remain too much concerned that their kids do not give heed to privacy. This is false too! Teenagers spend a lot of their time adjusting their privacy settings, customizing it the best way that they could. They also are a big fan of quick delete sharing tools which give them the full customization capability to share the pictures. SnapChat is one such tool wherein teenagers can control the servers and share their photos only for a pre decided period of time. The examples where teenagers post a photograph on social networking sites and undergo a pleasant conversation and then delete it to remove the traces on World Wide Web cannot be ignored too!

This way they are learning to interact and are in a way learning to face real world more intelligently!